Year-round programs offered in Grass Valley, California
Green Medicine Herb School offers a year-long program in herb and aromatherapy education. It is divided into four sections so you can take individual classes as a stand-alone course. These intermediate classes are designed for folks who have some herbal experience, have used natural remedies, and are familiar with a number of herbs.
September, October & November: AROMATHERAPY SEMINARS
Kathi Keville’s 2016 SEMINARS & LECTURES (2017 Dates Coming Soon!)
At each event, Kathi will be signing her 15 books, including the new The Aromatherapy Garden, released in April. Kathi’s Apothecary Store and Herb Plant Nursery (70 medicinal species) will be open during events taking place at Green Medicine Herb School.
April thru Aug. MEDICINAL HERB APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM with herbalist Kathi Keville, AHA Director. Green Medicine Herb School at Oak Valley Herb Farm, Nevada City, CA. One weekend a month. Field trips, medical botany, plant ID, energetics, aromatherapy, medicine-making, flower essences, wild food potluck, Sierra campout. Green Medicine Herb School, Nevada City, CA 959595. 530-265-9552.
April 24 & May 22: Wild SIERRA EDIBLE & MEDICINAL Herb Walks with herbalist and AHA director Kathi Keville 2 different walk locations, 15 min from Nevada City. Easy 2-3 hour walks cover 40 wild useful California plants found in mountains, foothills and valley. Green Medicine Herb School, Nevada City, CA 959595. 530-265-9552.
April 23: Growing Medicinal and Culinary Herbs for Northern California growers. Garden store and nursery will be open. Peaceful Valley Farm & GARDEN Supply, 125 Clydesdale Court, Grass Valley, CA. 530-272-4769.
April 30: MORNINGSUN HERB NURSERY OPEN HOUSE. 9am-5pm. Herbal Food, Crafts, Education & Herbal Based Businesses. “Aromatherapy Gardening” talk and book signing with Kathi Keville 1-2pm. Morningsun Herb Farm, 6137 Pleasants Valley Road, Vacaville, CA 95688 707-451-9406
May 8: MOTHER’S DAY PLANT SALE. Kathi will be among 30 plant vendors, selling 50 medicinal herb species. Miner’s Foundry, Spring St., Nevada City, CA.
May 21 & June TBA HERB GARDEN TOUR. Gardens contain 450 species of medicinal plants from around the world. Kathi shares their uses, folklore and her own stories about dozens of the most interesting plants. Green Medicine Herb School, Nevada City, CA. Message: 530-265-9552
June 4~5. AROMATHERAPY SEMINAR with Kathi Keville, aromatherapist and herbalist in the herb nursery. Physiology, Chemistry, Formulation and Blending. Design/Create product & distil oils. History of fragrance. Fragrance garden tour. Medicinal Uses, Skincare, and Clinical Applications. Morningsun Herb Farm, Vacaville, CA 95688 707-451-9406.
June 16-19. Edible and medicinal plants of the Sierra with Kathi Keville, botanist Lori Bellis, and Sierra plant experts, Nancy and Bill Harnak. Plant ID, foraging and wild food preparation, medicinal herbs and medicine-making. Traditional uses, science and history. Meals and platform tents, camping, or local motels available. San Francisco State University Sierra Field Campus. or call 530-862-1230 (after May 15).
June thru November. CLINICAL HERBALISM with Herbalists Dr. Christopher Hobbs & Kathi Keville co-teaching this dynamic, advanced course. One weekend a month for 5 months: June 25-26, July 30-31, Aug 27-28, Sept 24-25, Oct 22-23. Green Medicine Herb School, Nevada City, CA 959595. Message: machine 530-265-9552.
Sept 16~18. Mid-America Herbal Symposium. Whitewater State Park, Kathi Kevile, Christopher Hobbs and Phyllis are primary instructors. Kathi will offer classes in aromatherapy, clinical herbs, and medicine-making.
Sept 10-11. AROMATHERAPY SEMINAR with Kathi Keville, aromatherapist and herbalist in the beautiful Oak Valley Herb Farm gardens. Physiology, Chemistry, Formulation and Blending. Design/Create product & distill oils. History of Fragrance. Fragrance garden tour. Medicinal Uses, Skincare, and Clinical Applications. Advanced seminars II and III presented on Oct 15-16 and Nov 12-13 for students who attended this seminar. Green Medicine Herb School, Nevada City, CA 959595. Message: machine 530-265-9552.
Oct TBA. AROMATHERAPY SEMINAR with Kathi Keville at Blue Sky Educational Foundations, Grafton, by Cedarburg, just north of Milwaukee. Physiology, Chemistry, Formulation and Blending. Design/Create products. History of fragrance..Medicinal Uses, Skincare, and Clinical Applications. Blue Sky Education Foundation, 262-376-1011.