Enjoy the Apprenticeship slideshow! Photography Credit: Lisa Landon
This is a 5-month course, taught one weekend a month at the intermediate level. Course limited to 18 participants.
Click here for full class description
- Dates: APRIL 25-26, MAY 16-17, JUNE 13-14, JULY 10-11-12 (Sierra Campout), AUGUST 8-9
- Full 5~MONTH PLAN: $800 (only $160/weekend!) + $50 materials fee + 8 fun herb work-trade hrs (or additional $100)
- You can also choose the 3~MONTH PLAN: APRIL~MAY~JUNE $520 + $30 materials + 5 fun herb work-trade hrs (or additional $60)
Payment due March 31, 2014 (or $20 late fee) or you can request a monthly payment plan.
$100 deposit holds your spot (refundable until Mar 1). Use online payment button below or mail check to Kathi Keville, PO Box 2482, Nevada City, CA 95959
Reserve your spot now!
More Information:
The main page for the Apprenticeship Program
Want more photos? Enjoy another Apprenticeship Program slideshow here!
Kathi Keville, Principle Instructor