2016 National Herb & Aromatherapy Event Calendar

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April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | Online




April 10~12. SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE on BOTANICAL MEDICINE in Tempe, Arizona. New topics! PTSD, hospice care, the human microbiome, traumatic brain injury, alternatives to common psych meds and more! www.botanicalmedicine.org or call 541-482-3016.


April 24~26. MEDICINAL PLANTS with Peter Bigfoot at Reevis Mountain School, Roosevelt, AZ. $178 includes organic meals, camping, book. Yurts/cabins available. http://reevismountain.org/Classes/wildplants.html


April 24~26 or May 1~3. CAYUGA LAKE WINE TRAIL’S WINE & HERB FESTIVAL. It’s time to think SPRING in the Finger Lakes of New York as you receive an herb or veggie plant from each winery along the trail. Wineglass, wine and food pairings, recipes and a garden plan included. www.cayugawinetrail.com 800-684-5217.


April 24~26 & Nov 6~9. THE CENTER for PLANT STUDIES & HEALING ARTS. In Cottonwood, AZ, www.centerpsha.com  info@centerpsha.com  Offers various classes including a 75 hour Plant Energetics & Chakra Healing Certification Program, 75 Massage CEU’s. In Arizona’s Sedona/Verde Valley’s natural surroundings we discover the profound healing energetics of plants and flowers as herbal medicine, flower essences, and homeopathy. Apply plant wisdom with the integration of the human energy and endocrine systems.  Identify, gather, collect, and journey with plants as your wisdom evolves with the energetics of plant guidance. This program is offered in two separate four day segments, both required, based on Rhonda’s books, The Healing Power of Flowers and Voices of Flowers. 928-639-3614


April 26. Sunday 11am-2pm. COLLEGE OF BOTANICAL HEALING ARTS, Santa Cruz, CA Open House: Geranium Distillation & Essential Oil Infused Treats. Receive 10% of Foundation Course in Essential Oil Therapy when you sign up today! www.cobha.org


April thru Aug. MEDICINAL HERB APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM with herbalist Kathi Keville, AHA Director. Green Medicine Herb School at Green Medicine herb School, Nevada City, CA. One weekend a month. Field trips, medical botany, plant ID, energetics, aromatherapy, medicine-making, flower essences, wild food potluck, Sierra campout. Message: 530-265-9552. See Green Medicine Herb School, www.ahaherb.com




May 1–3. THE HEART & SCIENCE OF PLANT COMMUNICATION. Explore scientific and traditional approaches to learning how to communicate with plants and understand their wisdom at this 3-day intensive retreat at Peaceful Pines Eco Retreat in Grass Valley, CA. Learning techniques include sensual awareness, shamanic journeying, heart entrainment, listening to the ‘song’ of a plant with the ‘Plant Singing Device’ developed through Damanhur, and more. For more details, visit www.HAALo.org


May 3. FREE HERBALISM PROJECT with herbalist Susun Weed at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum in Eugene, Oregon. Free lecture, tea, and more. www.freeherbalismproject.com from Mountain Rose Herbs.


May 8~10. MEDICINAL PLANTS with Peter Bigfoot, at Reevis Mountain School, Roosevelt, AZ. $178 includes organic meals, http://reevismountain.org/Classes/wildplants.html


May 9~10. AROMATHERAPY BLENDING: Blending Essential Oils for Health. Certification Level for the Professional or Practitioner, San Francisco, CA. A complete course, you will make up to 6-8 separate blends. [Specifically for Beginners, Massage Therapists and SPA Technicians] This workshop is to be a Seminar for Blending Essential Oils (EOs) for therapeutic purposes and for perfumery. The workshop is an important step to any one interested in blending essential oils for therapeutic healing either emotional or physical; for perfumery or for making your own products. It will help give inspiration and give direction for those deciding where to go with their aromatherapy studies. The workshop is designed to combine the academic and scientific with the magically subjective aspects of aromatherapy. Overall, it will show that there is art, craft and science to blending Essential oils. 9:30am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday. $525 or $500 if paid by check. [3 spaces left]


May 9~10. CALIFORNIA ETHNOBOTANY. Traditional Native American Herbalism with Sage LePena.  In this class we will learn some of the similarities between different traditional herbal protocols and how some California Tribal Herbalism is distinct from other tribal areas across Turtle Island. The weekend will also include an ethnobotanical walk through beautiful woods at CSHS to see, touch and smell some of the wonderful treasures of Western Sonoma County, get to know them better by sight to bring a more rounded knowledge from the outdoor classroom back to our herbal practice. We will explore the Traditional Native uses of some of our local flora. Many of our native plants have a long history of use by the local Pomo and Coast Miwok peoples. California School of Herbal Studies. Forestville, CA www.cshs.com 707-887–7457


May 11 thru June 15. SPRING HERBAL ESSENTIALS. 5 Monday afternoons. Empower yourself with the knowledge to make herbal teas, tinctures and medicinal oils. Learn to identify, harvest and use spring medicinal plants. Hands on demonstration and introduction to basic medicine making. California School of Herbal Studies. Forestville, CA www.cshs.com 707-887–7457


May 11 thru June 29. FOUNDATION COURSE IN ESSENTIAL OIL THERAPY. Mondays 5-9:30pm: A rich introduction to the essential oil experience, this 8-week course will provide you with a valuable, lifelong reference guide to the healing properties of essential oils. Includes Distillation methods, Chemistry of essential oils, Physiology and much more. 23 essential oils are introduced. Offered at COBHA in Santa Cruz, CA 2 times a year. $596. www.cobha.org


May 15~18 (Session 1) May 22~25 (Session 2) Sept 4~7 (Session 3). Three separate sessions, join 1, 2 or all 3. This year NCWHS proudly celebrates it’s 25th year. Three separate sessions will be held again. Each session is four full days of herbal classes, rites-of-passage ceremonies, drumming and dancing, handcrafted marketplace items, campfires, swimming holes, and connections with remarkable womyn. Each session is a separate event with different classes and different teachers. Over 50 beginning, intermediate and advanced herbal classes offered at each session. Classes for children, young women (teens), and Crones also offered. All levels and ages welcome. Black Oak Ranch in Mendocino County, CA, nestled between two creeks and under the ancient oaks. Work exchange and Elder discounts available. Session 2 teachers include Kathi Keville and Jane Bothwell. www.womensherbalsymposium.org ncwhs@monitor.net 707-824-1429.


May 24. Sunday 9am-5pm. AROMATIC LOTION & CREAM MAKING with Alice Duvernell. Essential Oil Foundation On-line Course:  We are proud to offer our new on-line Level One curriculum, visit www.cobha.org


May 29–June 1. MEDICINES from the EARTH HERB SYMPOSIUM features new information on mental health, cancer and aging.  The role of stress in cancer recurrence and morbidity; telomeres, aging and dementia; botanicals for panic disorders and much more! Full program: www.botanicalmedicine.org or call 541-482-3016.


May thru October.  HEARTSTONE HERBAL SCHOOL, 6-weekend Herbal Apprenticeship Program in an informative and experience-based foundation for the life-long journey of becoming a practitioner of herbal medicine. 37 LMT CEUs. www.heart-stone.com  607-589-4619.


May & June: WILD HERB WALKS on weekends with herbalist and AHA director Kathi Keville of Green Medicine Herb School near Nevada City, CA. Easy 2-3 hour walks cover 40 wild, medicinal, edible, and useful plants of the Sierra. message: 530-265-9552. See Green Medicine Herb School at www.ahaherb.com




June 12~14. INTERNATIONAL HERB SYMPOSIUM at Wheaton College near Boston Mass. Classes and workshops for all levels of interest. Over 50 speakers representing 13 countries.  Keynote address by Paul Stamets. $275 if registered before March 30 www.internationalherbsymposium.com or call 802-479-9825 to register or for more info.


June 15–26. 2-WEEK HERBAL TRAINING at The Bellebuono School of Herbal Studies. Join herbalist and author Holly Bellebuono for a lively and welcoming study of herbal actions and categories. Hands-on apothecary work, an emphasis on formulary and certificate. Open to intermediate students. Join us on beautiful Martha’s Vineyard Island! Enroll at www.VineyardHerbs.com


June 19-21. EDIBLE and MEDICINAL PLANTS of the SIERRA with AHA Director Kathi Keville of Green Medicine Herb School, Alicia Funk, author of Living Wild, and Sierra plant experts, Nancy & Bill Harnak. Plant ID, foraging and wild food preparation, medicinal herbs and medicine-making. Ethnobotany with traditional uses, science and history. San Francisco State Sierra Field Campus, near Sierra City, CA. www.sfsu.edu/-sierra or call 530-862-1230 (after May 15).


June 20~26. HERBAL IMMERSION WEEK RETREAT at Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine.  Join us for an interactive learning experience and immerse into the green world of healing plants for food and medicine. www.greencomfortherbschool.com


June & July: MEDICINAL HERB GARDEN TOURS on weekends with herbalist and AHA director Kathi Keville’s 400-species garden. Message: 530-265-9552. See Green Medicine Herb School at www.ahaherb.com




The MEDICINAL and MYSTICAL PLANTS of the ANDES and AMAZON. An Ethnobotanical Journey in Peru with Dr Jillian Stansbury. The last 10 days of August of 2015, 2015, and 2016. Write Dr Stansbury at jstansbury@ncnm.edu for more information.




Sept 10~13. The 29th BREITENBUSH HERBAL CONFERENCE ReWilding Herbalism: Celebrating Our Wild Ways. We invite you all to gather with us for another amazing weekend of insightful classes from some of the most respected Herbalists in our community. This is not just another herbal conference. It is a retreat for relaxation and personal growth. It is a chance to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones. It is a time to nourish our bodies with wholesome food and healing waters. It is time to gather in circle for the 29th time. With our 2015 conference, we invite you to celebrate the wild in each of us. Each year some of the finest herbalists share their knowledge, and wisdom. The 2015 presenters: 7Song, Howie Brounstein, Jessica Ring, Tamara Wilder, Tomi Hazel, Peter McCoy, Ryan Drum, Sean Donahue, and more! Workshops, demonstrations, herb walks and merriment will appeal to all levels of students.  The healing waters and ancient forests of Breitenbush provide an incredible setting for this gathering. Professional Continuing Education Credits and Children’s Program are available. We look forward to sharing this amazing and unique experience with you. In addition to the main conference, consider joining us for one of the 3 pre-conference intensive workshops 9:30 to 3:30 on Friday.  Space is limited.  Thursday night lodging at Breitenbush and class fee required. Conference Program Begins Friday at 4:30; Ends Sunday at noon (Intensive lodging begins Thursday evening) Cost: $265 plus lodging (Call for info about early registration, scholarships and work exchanges) Pre-conference intensive $100 plus lodging. Late registration fees after 8/15/14. Information and Registration: www.breitenbushherbalconference.com or 503-288-3588 or info@breitenbushherbalconference.com


Sept 13~14. AROMATHERAPY SEMINAR with Kathi Keville, aromatherapist and herbalist, at beautiful Oak Valley Herb Farm in Nevada City, CA. Physiology, Chemistry, Formulation and Blending. Design/Create product & distil oils. History of fragrance. Fragrance garden tour. Medicinal Uses, Skincare, and Clinical Applications. Message: 530-265-9552. See Green Medicine Herb School at www.ahaherb.com followed by Advanced Aromatherapy Seminars in Oct, Nov & Dec.


Sept 18~20. Come learn about these amazing plants in the woodlands of Southeast Minnesota at the MIDAMERICA HERBAL SYMPOSIUM.  Some of our country’s best herbal clinicians will be sharing their knowledge with us; Matthew Wood, Karyn Sanders, Sarah Holmes, and Nicholas Schnell.  Other local Midwest herbalists will also be presenting fabulous classes. Space is limited; book your bunk today! www.midamericasympoisum.com or call 507-474-9970.


Sept 21 thru Oct 19. FALL HERBAL ESSENTIALS. 5 Monday afternoons. This class, a continuation of Spring Essentials, will take a deeper look into the herbalism from an approach of Fall and Winter seasons. From the perspective of the Western constitutional model of healthcare and aromatic medicine, we will discuss the physiological function, and patterns of imbalance, of the respiratory and immune systems. We will dig fall herbs, make seasonal appropriate medicines and study basic herbal actions, therapeutic strategies and what must be included in your essential herbal medicine chest for fall and winter. This course is appropriate for those who have already taken the Spring Essentials courses, and for those new to herbalism. California School of Herbal Studies. Forestville, CA www.cshs.com 707-887–7457.


Sept 25~27. An ELLEN HOPMAN WEEKEND at the Philo School of Herbal Energetics. We start with Doctrine of Signatures with Ellen on Friday evening from 6-8pm. Saturday and Sunday Ellen will teach an advanced class on formulation, based on her apprenticeship with William LeSassier. This is truly an invaluable experience from one who has delved very deeply into the magic and medicine of herbs. Southern Mendocino County, 16 miles from the Pacific. www.herbalenergetics.com or call 707-895-3007 or email mpatpalm@herbalenergetics.com.


Sept 2015 thru June 2016. FOUNDATIONS of MEDICINAL HERBALISM and HERBAL APOTHECARY. One weekend a month for 10 months at Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine with Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG). Contact us at www.greencomfortherbschool.com or call 540-937-4283 for more information.


Sept 2015 thru Dec 2015. CLINICAL HERBALIST TRAINING PROGRAM. The curriculum covers herbal material medica, herbal therapeutics, case studies, endocrine system physiology and pathophysiology, constitutional medicine, medicine making, formulation, compounding, establishing an herbal practice and pharmacy, and creating personalized treatment plans. This program is phase two of a two-part program. Northwest School for Botanical Studies is located in the gorgeous, coastal redwood region of Northern California. For more information, visit the website: www.herbaleducation.net or contact Christa Sinadinos via email: herbaleducation@gmail.com



Oct TBA. 3-day AROMATHERAPY SEMINAR with Kathi Keville, aromatherapist and herbalist. Physiology, Chemistry, Formulation and Blending. Design and create product. Aromatherapy massage techniques. History of fragrance. At Blue Sky Educational Foundation, Grafton, WI. www.BlueSkyMssage.com 262-692-9500


Oct 11. FREE HERBALISM PROJECT with herbalist Dr. Ryan Drum at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum in Eugene, Oregon. Free lecture, tea, and more. www.freeherbalismproject.com from Mountain Rose Herbs.


Oct 15~19. THE AMERICAN HERBALISTS GUILD is pleased to present their 26th Annual Symposium: New Horizons in Clinical Herbalism, to be held in stunning Granby, Colorado. Featuring keynote speaker Ethan Russo, the 26th Annual Symposium hosts some of the world’s leading herbal educators, delivering cutting edge presentations on a wide range of topics in herbal medicine. www.americanherbalistsguild.com


Oct 17~18 plus Feb 21~22: HEART OF HERBOLOGY ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIP, third weekend of the month except December. A four month intensive with focus on skills as a clinician, research for writing, preparing winter roots, and planning your Spring herbal garden. Cozy wood stove and great library conducive to winter studies! Southern Mendocino County, 16 miles from the Pacific. www.herbalenergetics.com or call 707-895-3007 or email mpatpalm@herbalenergetics.com.



Nov 13~15. MEDICINE MAKING with Peter Bigfoot, at Reevis Mountain School, Roosevelt, AZ. $178 includes organic meals. http://reevismountain.org/Classes/pharmacology.htm



March, July & Oct. Accredited, Online CLINICAL HERBALISM and CLINICAL AROMATHERAPY courses begin: Introduction to Aromatherapy and Basics of Herbalism. Learn more about using herbs and essential oils for personal health and wellness, natural perfumes and therapeutic blends and gain a foundation for advanced training. Study fully online over 8 weeks and earn 3 credits. Course material includes certified organic oils and herbs.

May & Sept. Accredited, Online CLINICAL HERBALISM, CLINICAL AROMATHERAPY, HOLISTIC NUTRITION and WELLNESS career training and degree programs. Learn more about using herbs and essential oils for personal health and wellness, natural perfumes and therapeutic blends and gain a foundation for advanced training. Opportunities to study clinical herbalism or aromatherapy including therapeutic actions, active constituents, and methods of administration or holistic nutrition, homeopathy, dynamic phytotherapy, and other complementary therapies also available. Call 800-487-8839 or visit www.achs.edu for more information.

Start anytime: CLINICAL AROMATHERAPY and CLINICAL HERBALISM professional continuing education. Fully online, study over 4 weeks and earn 37 hours of continuing education credit. CE 511 Advanced Herbal Materia Medica, CE 512 Botanical Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, CE 516 Aromatherapy for Massage Therapists, CE 520 Advanced Aromatic Materia Medica. Discounts available for AHA members. Call 800-487-8839 or visit www.achs.edu for more information.

Open to the public: Master Lecture Webinars Series: for archived recordings and upcoming presentations, visit www.achs.edu/master-lecture-webinars


Heartstone Herbal School ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY for HERBALISTS, Online Video Series. Ongoing learning $309. 24 LMT CEUs.  Instructor: Tammi Sweet. Course is available for individuals & for herbal schools. More information www.tammisweet.com or 607-589-4619.